API Management

The serverless on-cloud API management solution offers designing, mapping, building, and deploying both public and internal APIs and to ensure that they are consumable and secure. It gives your organization control and visibility into data and APIs that connect all the applications.


Quickly adopt modern architecture

Automated scaling

Flexible, reusable APIs for integrations

Reduced complexity


API gateway

x.SIP helps you manage and connect applications to any API gateways. APIs can be published through internal or external host system

API analytics

Unique dashboard view provides you visibility and insight on API metrics. These metrics are configurable and can be represented graphically

Multiple protocol support

x.SIP supports most industry standard protocols such as FTP/SFTP, HTTP/HTTPS, AS2, MQ, JMS used for information exchange

Multiple content type support

x.SIP supports multiple content types such as JSON, XML, Flat file resulting into support to most of the industry standard requests/file format. It can also support any custom structure as far it fits in content type supported

Transaction visibility

x.SIP provides detailed visibility to each transaction that flows between systems. It can act as one stop shop for different data domains from different systems. x.SIP also provides ability to plot these transactions in different representations like graphs, charts, tables, etc

Failure insight

x.SIP provides in depth analysis for any failures occurred across transactions. It also provides tools to fix the data issues and capability to reprocess the transactions that failed due to systemic issues

Pre-built connectivity

x.SIP is integrated With Key APIs